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Biomimetic takes inspiration from nature to solve human problems. Our HEXA-K ACTIVE mimics amino acid sequences naturally found in the hair. Allowing to repair and restore damaged hair in a targeted way. Depositing product on the most damaged areas of the hair cuticle and restoring them.


Restoring the hair cuticle

The Time of Flight Mass Spectroscopy (ToF-SIMS) is a technique that helps us acquire detailed information about the surface chemistry of the hair and allows us to demonstrate how KERAMETIK products deposits our HEXA-K ACTIVE only on the most damaged areas of the hair cuticle, restoring them.

Protecting the hair cuticle

Protect hair's mechanical strength, help smooth the cuticle to add shine to the hair and protect hair from weathering damage ( i.e. chemical treatments, grooming practices and U.V. exposure) and slow down the natural aging process of the hair.

Nourish the hair cortex

Nourishes the hair from within by penetrating deep into the cortex to create new hydrogen and ionic bonds which supports the damaged internal keratin structure and strengthens hair from the inside. Restore hair 3X back to virgin hair strength.

Need more detailed guidance on how to apply our treatments?

Please read and follow carefully the instructions below for both of our Keratin Treatment and Smoothing Treatment.


  1. Use the Clarifying Shampoo to clean the hair thoroughly.
    Use more than once if necessary.
  2. Do a quick blow dry to get the hair to at least
    90% dry before applying the Keratin Treatment.
  3. For easier application you may separate the hair in four quadrants, pour some smoothing treatment in a bowl and start applying the smoothing treatment with a brush. Same way you would apply a hair color. The most important thing of this step is
    for you to apply it evenly throughout the hair, without oversaturating.
  4. Allow the product to process on the hair, from 30 to
    60 minutes depending on how resistant the hair is.
  5. Fully rinse out the hair with WATER only. Do not use
  6. Blowdry the hair until it is 100% dry.
  7. Flat iron small sections of the hair with the temperature between 390-410° F, doing
    at least 8 passes for each section. Do not overwork the ends.
  8. Wait 2 days before washing the hair with Shampoo and Conditioner. 
  1. Use the Clarifying Shampoo to clean the hair thoroughly.
    Use more than once if necessary.
  2. Do a quick blow dry to get the hair to at least
    90% dry before applying the Keratin Treatment.
  3. For easier application you may separate the hair
    in four quadrants, pour some keratin treatment in a bowl and start applying the
    keratin treatment with a brush. Same way you would apply a hair color. Being
    careful to cover each hair strand with enough product but not too much. You do
    not want to have an excess of product in the hair. Go strand by strand until
    you have finished with the whole hair. Do not oversaturate.
  4. Blow dry the hair until it is 100% dry.
  5. Flat iron small sections of the hair with the temperature between 430-450° F, doing
    at least 8 passes for each section. Do not overwork the ends.
  6. The treatment can be washed out the following
    morning or you can wait for longer.

Castor Oil

Our HEXA-K ACTIVE contains Hydrogenated Castor Oil, helping add shine, sealing cuticles, repair split hair fibres and adding color protection properties.

Synergistic Complex

Consists of active peptides, oleo-nolic acid from olive leaves and chrysing extracted from citrus plants. Helps preventing hair loss, increases hair density/thickness and stimulates adhesion protein growth to protect hair follicles.